Archive for the ‘SEO’ Category

Google Adwords & Analytics Training

Posted on April 4, 2015 under analytics, PPC, SEO

I’m happy to be tutoring the ‘Introduction to Google Adwords and Google Analytics’ training course on the following 2015 dates.

1st April (Completed)
13th May
8th July
9th Sept
4th Nov

The training sessions will have a maximum of 6 and will take place at the BigRockDesigns training suite at the Wellington Park Business Centre on the Malone Road.
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SEO Thoughts March 2015

Posted on March 18, 2015 under SEO

Google+ Local (Google My Business)

Does any business really know what Google+ Local is?
Do any SEO’s really know what Google+ Local is?
Do you know the difference between Google Places, Google Local+ and Google My Business?
Do you know the difference between a Google+ personal profile page and a Google+ business page?


The address, follow button and local label in the screenshot above are helpful in determining whether you have a Google+ Local Page.
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My Business Listings Get Updated

Posted on December 17, 2014 under SEO

Big news, this morning I’ve noticed quite a big update to the Google My Business listings.

Web design terms are finally back for local business listings. Google stopped showing these years and years ago, so it’s strange to see them back.

Google my business listings return for web design companies

From a few searches I’ve done it’s pretty obvious that Google is showing Google Business listings more prominently and frequently than before.

The listing for ‘Web Design Ni’ doesn’t even have a website and the Google Business listing page as far as I’m aware hasn’t been claimed, there are no reviews, photos, posts and video. It’s a poor listing and shouldn’t be anywhere near the first page of results. In fact I’ve seen some very poor business listings appear alot higher than some very well developed ones with no obvious reason as to why.

Google seems to be switching between 3 results and 7 packs on a desktop search.

[Update 23rd Dec 2014] Google has confirmed that their local Pigeon update, which rolled out in the U.S. on July 24, 2014 has now expanded over last week to the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia.

[Update 11 Jan 2015] Google seems to be sticking alot more on 3 pack listings.


Belfast Search Meetup – Jan 2015

Posted on December 13, 2014 under Events, SEO

Incredibily it’s been 3 years since the last SEO meet up.

So along with Barry from SearchScientist and Newtownard’s finest Jordan, we’ve decided to have another meetup for people involved in Search.

There’s no agenda, just a meet up, catchup, chance to make new friendships, few drinks and talk shop.

There’s a few things I have in mind that I’d like to pick someone’s brains about. I’ll add these to the comments at a later stage.

So if you’ve an interest in SEO, PPC, Analytics, Conversion Optimisation, Adsense or anything Search related and are thinking of coming along then please add your name below.

The date is Saturday 17th January 2015 at 5.30.

[Update] Meeting in the Eglantine Inn on the Malone Road.

*********[Further Update] It appears the Eg is getting refurbished, so the meet-up will now happen in the Botanic Inn, just across the road from the Eg.*********


Win a Tailored SEO Training Course

Posted on December 11, 2014 under analytics, PPC, SEO

At the moment I’m training a small business owner and it’s one of the most satisfying aspects of the job, so in true festive spirit I’m giving away a tailored training course for any Belfast company that wants to get to grips with SEO, PPC, Google Analytics & Email Marketing in 2015.

Just pop your name in the comments below, or send me an email.

There’ll be 8 hours custom training, tailored to your market and your website.

Winner will be picked randomly, and named on the 23rd Dec 2014.
Training will be arranged at my office, 1 to 1 training, and must be completed January / February 2014.

(Just a quick update: The winner will be picked at 5 o’clock, and I’ll email them & post their name here. Still plenty of time to enter.)


Mobile Friendly Label in SERPS

Posted on November 21, 2014 under SEO

I just spotted this label in the organic SERPS while browsing on a mobile.

Notice the ‘mobile friendly’ label beside websites in the screenshot below.

mobile friendly label in Google search results

Google may be increasingly turning up the dial on sites it deems mobile friendly, and this will no doubt become a stronger ranking factor.

Click thru rates on sites given the ‘mobile friendly’ label will also doubt improve.

More information can be found at Google’s blog, and there’s a testing tool with feedback on the improvements your site may need to make.

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Is Google Indexing your Attachment Pages

Posted on November 16, 2014 under SEO

I noticed that WordPress was creating alot of attachment pages for every image that was being uploaded or inserted into a page/post.

These pages either took the format;


Google was indexing all of these attachment pages.

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How to know if you’ve been hit by Google Penguin

Posted on October 20, 2014 under SEO

If you have problems sleeping at night, and every morning are checking rankings to see if today’s the day that your business gets wiped off the face of the earth then maybe Penguin 3 has caught up with you.

This advice is probably of no value to you, as you’ll no doubt already know the devastating news.

If you’re a business owner that’s in the dark and maybe oblivious to the strategies employed by your SEO team then here’s a couple of quick ways to check.

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Google Can I have my Content Back?

Posted on October 18, 2014 under SEO

Check out this screenshot below, not sure I’d like Google scraping content from my sites and displaying the content as their own.

google scraping content

Couldn’t we have a meta element NO SCRAPING content!?

There’s a feedback button at the bottom, to allow you to add your disapproval.

[update] Here’s another one I found ‘how to delete a tweet’


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Update a Meta Description Snippet in Google

Posted on October 18, 2014 under SEO

How long does it take to update a meta description snippet in Google?

Google suggests that this takes usually less than 24 hours using their Fetch and Submit to Index tool provided by Google Webmaster Tools.

A recent test I did on a small buiness website took 36 hours to flush out an unwanted homepage meta description.

Removing URLs from the index took less than an hour.

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Michael Wall

Michael Wall is an experienced SEO based in Belfast N.Ireland currently running his own SEO Agency.

Michael Wall is available for Internet Marketing, Google Adwords PPC and SEO work. Please call Belfast 02890 923383 or use the contact form.

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