1st All-Ireland SEO and Webmaster Meetup

So it’s official the first All-Ireland SEO and Webmaster meetup kicks off in Dublin on the Saturday 9th February.

Venue: Harbour Master Dublin
Date: Saturday February 9th
Time: 7.30PM

Some of Ireland’s greatest criminal minds in Search Engine Optimization, Search Marketing and web design/development shall be in attendance, and there’s even a warm-up event if you like your rugby.

Below are some of the speakers already signed up for the event.

Cormac Moylan
Dave Davis – Redfly Marketing
Richard Hearne – Redcardinal
James Larkin – Forbairt Media
Allistar – Logon
Eoghan McCabe
Gavin – Ireland SEO & Marketing
Ken Stanley
Gavin Doolan
David Behan

If you’re attending and want a quick mention then let me know.

Now I’ve just gotta convince the wife it’s strictly a business networking event and not a pub crawl.

6 Responses to “1st All-Ireland SEO and Webmaster Meetup”

  1. David BehanNo Gravatar Says:

    Don’t know if you could call us speakers but we’ll be talking some web tripe alright! 😀

    Look forward to meeting you on the night!

  2. MichaelNo Gravatar Says:

    Me too, should be a good get together.

  3. Webmaster Knees Up - Dublin (9th Feb) Says:

    […] McCabe from Contrast Ken Stanley | ping Ciaran from Weeno Gavin Doolan David Behan Micky Wall | ping Gavin from Ireland SEO & Marketing Michael […]

  4. GavinNo Gravatar Says:

    I only talk after a few pints. 🙂

    Dont show the wife the IWF thread, it has pub crawl written all over it.

  5. MichaelNo Gravatar Says:

    Hopefully she’ll not find that link until after I come back 🙂

  6. Weeno Blog Says:

    SEO and Webmaster Meetup, Ireland…

    Some of Ireland’s finest and brightest webmasters, SEOers, SEMers, designers and developers are getting together next weekend for a meetup with people flying in from all over Europe. I’ll be there as will most of the guys over on the Irish…

Michael Wall

Michael Wall is an experienced SEO based in Belfast N.Ireland currently running his own SEO Agency.

Michael Wall is available for Internet Marketing, Google Adwords PPC and SEO work. Please call Belfast 02890 923383 or use the contact form.

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