Another Directory falls by the wayside

Looks like another promising directory has been pulled. appeared to have spent quite a bit of money on marketing over the last few years and were no doubt trying to take on 4NI. Unfortunately it looks like they didn’t quite succeed.

Is there any other Northern Ireland directories out there that can compete with 4NI?

4 Responses to “Another Directory falls by the wayside”

  1. Paul AnthonyNo Gravatar Says:

    I think that if anyone is going to seriously compete with 4NI, they need to start listing everyone, and anyone they can get their hands on for free, and get some decent content up there, rather than going hell for leather on advertising spend before the site was of a decent size. Content first, advertising second.

  2. MichaelNo Gravatar Says:

    Agreed, it would take alot of investment or alot of hard work but I certainly think it could be done.

  3. david crawfordNo Gravatar Says:

    I think its a waste of time tbh – 4ni are sooooo far ahead, now I see theyve added jobs and cars, with property to follow presumably. Easier ways to make a living than taking on such an established site

  4. MichaelNo Gravatar Says:

    Hi David,

    thanks for stopping by. 4NI might have the age and domain authority, but I think it’s very possible that another directory could establish itself.

    10 odd years is alot of time to catch up on but I don’t see why it couldn’t be done with a good business model, the right investment, the right site structure and model.

    As well as it’s strengths 4NI has certain weaknesses that anyone coming to the table could improve upon.

    I’d agree with you that it would take some time and investment but it done well it could certainly provide a great return.

    It’s also worth noting how Google’s results will affect organic search in the future and indeed 4NI.


Michael Wall

Michael Wall is an experienced SEO based in Belfast N.Ireland currently running his own SEO Agency.

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