Yellow Pages not delivering
Well since I took out a 1/4 column inch Yellow Pages ad for a king’s ransom of £400+ in the ‘Internet Web Design’ section in November (3 months ago) there’s been one business related phone call.
The salesmen had quoted an average of 18-20 per month for that particular section, and even though I had taken this with a pinch of salt the difference is hard to believe.
A couple of weeks after the books were delivered ‘Talkback’ discussed people’s experiences with Yellow Pages. Many of the advertisers were more than disappointed that many of the books were not being properly distributed.
In my case it looks like they have not only been poorly distributed but that the amount of traffic looking for design isn’t as big as Yellow Pages salesmen would have you believe. The ad was designed by Yellow Pages staff so I presume they knew what they were doing and can’t blame it on a poorly pitched design.
And just to let you know the inquiry didn’t relate to a service that I offered!