Does the Page Title Age Affect Rankings?
This time last year I was asked to do some web development work on a website that needed a bit of TLC, the budget wasn’t there for SEO and the client wasn’t interested. The website had no links, and the on site SEO was poor with the page titles lacking any keywords or regional terms.
All I did was a few edits to the text, added some images to the galleries and lastly changed the page titles, which only took a few minutes.
I’ve kept an eye on the homepage keyword ever since and watched it’s progress, as it slowly has climbed the rankings. It’s a local term, and not the most competitive, though I’m guessing very profitable as it’s interior designs, and that can be big money.
From no where the site after a good few months started to climb the rankings, after 9 or so months it had reached the top of page 2, and after almost a year the site had reached page 1, and near the top in the organics.
I’m always studying the organics and how sites react, and I found this quite interesting in the amount of time it took to reach where it is. To me it shows what I already know, that naturally a site, or indeed a page with a consistent keyword title becomes stronger with age and matures.
I like to keep page titles the same, I think changing them can cause instability, and fluctuations.
A year is a long time to wait, too long. Besides SEO there are other also options, PPC can still be an excellent investment in some local markets as it’s still underused. Google Places or Google Local + is another option that may be alot quicker than sitting back and waiting to see what happens.
Further reading
November 23rd, 2012 at 10:10 am
I like hearing about white-hat SEO stuff that just works 🙂