Referral Spam in Google Analytics

This is quite annoying, every Google Analytics account I look in has referral spam from,, and one or two others.

Log into your Google Analytics account, if you’re running the universal ‘analytics.js‘ version of Google’s tracking code click on ‘Admin > Property > Tracking Info > Referral Exclusion List’
Google Analytics Referal Exclusion List

Then just add the domains.

add to referal exlusion list

If you’re running Google ‘ga.js‘ then visit this link for more info:

2 Responses to “Referral Spam in Google Analytics”

  1. DavidNo Gravatar Says:

    Looks like semalt is down right now too, hopefully for good. I considered using their “opt out” form but decided it’d be best to block them in GA instead.

  2. michaelwallNo Gravatar Says:

    fingers crossed David.

Michael Wall

Michael Wall is an experienced SEO based in Belfast N.Ireland currently running his own SEO Agency.

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